Feasibility analysis on the agricultural extension service supply mode leading by enterprises 企业主导的农业推广服务供给模式的可行性分析
The possibility of adopting precision agriculture technology in china was discussed based on agricultural mechanization , agricultural extension services , ecosystem and environment 本文从我国农业机械化的水平、农技服务体系、生态与环境等方面系统地分析了我国实现精准农业的可能性。
Peasant households are affected by natural environment condition , the policy and market factor mainly while confirming that plants the cotton , the level of cotton price of the market has influence on the adjustment that peasant households plant the cotton area the coming year , during the process of using the variety of cotton , lay particular emphasis on and consider and popularize cost and benefit , community , neighbourhood relation and agricultural extension service system while being agrotechnical 农户在确定是否种植棉花时主要受自然环境条件、政策和市场因素的影响,市场棉花价格的高低对农户来年植棉面积的调整有影响,而在使用棉花品种的过程中,则侧重考虑农技推广成本与效益、社区及邻里关系和农业推广服务体系。
The canada - china agricultural extension training program in pengzhou was organized by the national agricultural extension service center natesc and conducted by the pengzhou agriculture and animal husbandry bureau . the 51 participants to this training program included the extension staff and project coordinators from natesc , the ministry of agriculture candres training center , the international cooperation division and scientific and education division of the sichuan agricultural department and the project piloting sites 这次培训由全国农技推广中心负责组织,彭州市农牧局承办,有来自全国农技推广中心农业部干部培训中心四川省农业厅国际合作处科教处各项目示范点的推广人员,项目协调员51人参加了这次培训。